Monday, 29 June 2009
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Back online
Monday, 22 June 2009
My Web Wanderings (weekly)
Government moves to tighten regulation of home education | Education |
I find this quite disturbing. The police have to have a warrant to enter my house without permission but in three years time the local education authority will have the right to enter at will without any reason other than that I will be home-educating my child.
- The law will also be changed to give the local authority the right to enter the family's home and talk to the child without a parent being present. Parents will be given two weeks' notice of a visit from the local authority.
Government to clamp down on home schooling families | 2009 News | The Christian Institute
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Monday, 8 June 2009
My Web Wanderings (weekly)
babyworld - advertorial - Emma Jane
We are the leading independent brand of maternity underwear in the
UK. We would like to hear from you if you are pregnant or a nursing
mother (especially if you are a large size).
We will supply you with garments from our range, and ask you to complete
a short wear test report.- If you are interested, please contact Deanna at
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Settling In
I'm currently back at the old house to do various bits and pieces and at the moment am waiting for the wallpaper paste as it has to sit for ten minutes before you can use it. Our phone line is still here till Friday so I can get online here till the phone line is transferred and then I'll need to sort out a new ISP at the new house so may be MIA for a little while.
The neighbours who took the playhouse seem to have taken the doors and windows too now so now we don't have the dilemma of what to do with them now as it seemed a shame to throw them away but it would have been a bit awkward to say, "Here do you want the rest of the playhouse you stole."
The move ended up being rather marathon like partly due to the sudden very hot weather and partly due to Hubby being ill. On Sunday he was complaining about aches which we just thought were from all the moving but on Monday he felt worse and then in the evening we discovered he had a fever. The fever had gone this morning so he did a shortened job this morning and isn't gardening this afternoon. I have had a slight sore throat and nearly lost my voice at one point but I think it might be related to the slight smokiness in the house (the previous owners appear to have been smokers ) as I haven't been feeling ill at all.
We're really loving our new village as it is slightly further from the nearby city and is separate rather than being effectively a suburb of it like our old village (which was nice too but just not as nice). It has loads more shops including a butcher all within five minutes walk (or fifteen minutes with Little Girl) but being in an estate rather than on the main road, it is much quieter and peaceful at home. We are actually still on a bus route (which is good as it means they salt the road in Winter) but as the road is not going uphill the buses are not as noisy.
Well I could ramble all day about how much I love it but there are more important things I need to do. If I don't get a post up before Friday, there probably won't be any more posts for a couple of weeks other than a Diigo post this Monday. I'll have to get a new tour of my home done soon too.
Monday, 1 June 2009
My Web Wanderings (weekly)
Mommy Life: My birthday - unbelievably 61!
- Make God the heart of your home. Teach your children to depend on Him and learn to depend on Him more.
- Remember that no one will remember how organized your kitchen was or how well-folded your clothes. They will know you only indirectly by the part of you that is reflected in your children's character.
- Motherhood is truly the most important work you will do in this lifetime. If you surrender, God will take you to places you never dreamed!
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.