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Friday, 29 August 2008

Natural Stain Remover

Earlier this week, not only did Little Girl manage to get pork casserole all over the white T-shirt she was wearing (despite the apron and bib we put on her) but neither Hubby or I realised until after he had dressed her the next day in the same T-shirt.

Given what was in the casserole and the fact that it had dried on I didn't hold out much hope for removing the stain.

I did my usual cold water and rubbing with soap treatment before washing but this did not remove it. It already had a yellow pepper stain on it (who would have thought that yellow pepper would stain?!) so I figured it could just become a rough T-shirt for when she was likely to get messy.

As I was hanging the washing outside, I thought I might as well hang it with the stain facing the sun as I figured it might at least reduce it. Although I knew that the sun could help with stains, I was amazed when I brought the washing in to find that not only was the new stain gone but also the old yellow pepper stain!

So, the moral of the story is: try hanging stained clothes in the sun before you give up on them completely. :o)


Anonymous said...

YES! This really does work. I hang cloth diapers in the sun, and it's amazing how many stains bleach right out.

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Thank you for sharing! I hadn't even thought of that. :D

Anonymous said...

Yes, this works great. If you use cloth diapers, this is one of the biggest stain removal tools. You sun them. It takes those stains right out. If it's nasty cold outside, but you have sun, you can do this in a window that's getting direct sunlight.

Shannon said...

Hello! I've been reading your blog since seeing you on CIAL and would like to add you to my blogroll if that's okay with you?

Anonymous said...

Thank you Shannon, I feel honoured. :o)

Toni said...

I have heard of this before but forgot about it. Thanks for posting this! Isn`t God so amzing:) He even helps us get the stains out of our clothing!! Have a beautiful day, Susan:)

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