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Tuesday, 22 April 2008

The Woman in White

I finished reading this book and we have decided that it is certainly one to keep.

In addition to forgetting a lot of the plot, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed this book until I reread it. It is one where the "goodies" live happily ever after and the "baddies" receive their just deserts but it manages to do this in a believable way. I liked the fact that the main characters were good and strove for what was right and true. Those characters who did do wrong are not condoned and those who commit the worst wrongs do not profit from them in the long run. Although the plot is not something which would happen in real life, it does illustrate how the wrongs committed by an individual can have far reaching effects on many other people.

I particularly like Wilkie Collins' writing style - the story is narrated by different characters throughout the book and the characters are well described so that you get a real picture of what they are like. After Far from the Madding Crowd I will probably read The Moonstone which is also by Wilkie Collins.


Buffy said...

You know I only just realised you lived in the UK too? Talk about not picking up on the little details LOL

Thanks for writing your thoughts on The Woman in White. I think it's great you're rereading the classics to make a judgement about whether they are desirable influences for your heart and mind.

I think Wilkie Collins had a strong sense of good v evil and of good ultimatly triumphing. I do hate books or films where is there no justice or redemption. I don't mean I like everyone to suffer dire punishments, but for them to realise they have done wrong and not to profit from it. Also he shows goodness as being a strong virtue, quite often it's portrayed as being rather weak.

I hope you like the Moonstone, I haven't read it but I enjoyed the TV production that was on about 10 years ago.

I wonder how you will get along with Far from the Madding Crowd? Don't you think Hardy's novels are often a bit depressing?

Anonymous said...

"I wonder how you will get along with Far from the Madding Crowd? Don't you think Hardy's novels are often a bit depressing?"
Yes I think they are although Far from the Madding Crowd is supposed to be the most cheerful of his novels.

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